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Certified TIPCHECK Experts

Certified TIPCHECK Experts

Please see below a list of EiiF-certified TIPCHECK Experts. You can use the search bar to find TIPCHECK Experts in your country, and in order to get in touch with one of our TIPCHECK Experts, please download the TIPCHECK Expert list ("Download PDF list" under Experts) or contact

You can also filter the results by level. The different levels are explained here: Who can participate | EiiF.

First name Surname Level Company Country
Nicolas Bron 1 KAEFER France
Francesco Giuseppe Caiazzo 1 Rockwool Technical Insulation Italy
Marcos Calle González 2 KAEFER Industrial Services Spain
David Calvo Pérez 1 KAEFER Industrial Services Spain
Romain Carayol 2 Knauf Insulation France
Cristina Cardiel 1 Rockwool Technical Insulation Spain
Jarema Chmielarski 3 Armacell Poland
Osman Çiçekli 2 INSPRO Turkey
Patric Covaci 1 Armacell Austria GmbH Austria
Luca Cuca 1 Knauf Insulation Italy
Joshua Dale 1 Powertherm Contract Services Ltd United Kingdom
Jan De Moor 1 KAEFER Belgium NV Belgium
Stefan Debold 3 G+H ISOLIERUNG GmbH Germany
Michal Dobosz 2 Multiserwis Sp. z o.o. (Bilfinger) Poland
Norbert Engel 1 Novisol AG Switzerland
Marcel Esmeijer 1 Van der Linden & Veldhuis Isolatie B.V. Netherlands
Sven Ewert 2 OKI Insulation GmbH Switzerland
Jean-Marc Faidutti 1 FLANDRES C2E France
Károly Fehér 2 Dynoteq Kft. Hungary
Falko Fritsch 1 Novisol AG Switzerland
Mateusz Gajewski 2 Multiserwis Sp. z o.o. (Bilfinger) Poland
Olivier Gazeau 1 ROCKWOOL TI France
Stefan Geiger 2 Saint-Gobain Isover G+H A Germany
Sebastian Gerding 1 Xervon GmbH Germany
Gabriel Golumbeanu 1 Saint-Gobain Construction Products Romania Romania