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Become a Member

Joining the EiiF Membership connects you and your organization to Europe’s leading network for energy efficiency through industrial insulation. The EiiF Membership provides you and your colleagues with opportunities to engage with top insulation experts, access the exclusive TIPCHECK Programme, and benefit from specialized training and expertise. It is your chance to drive industry innovation, achieve energy savings, reduce CO₂ emissions, and enhance both your personal and organizational market position.

The membership application process starts with submitting an application through our website: Application Form | EiiF

After the submission, the EiiF Team will confirm reception of the application and ask for supporting documentation such as quality management standards, if applicable, or references from clients. The application will then be evaluated by the EiiF Foundation Board and the EiiF Team will inform the applicant of the outcome. 

The annual membership fee depends on the company size. The Premium Member option is available to any company or organization, regardless of the size.

EiiF Membership Fees


Premium Member


> 150 empl. ≤ 150 empl. ≤ 20 empl. ≤ 5 empl.
Annual fee: 8.250 EUR 5.500 EUR 2.200 EUR 1.320 EUR 550 EUR
Logo on Yes  Yes
Public image in the EiiF PREMIUM MEMBER MEMBER
Voting power in the EiiF General Assembly Yes  Yes 
Participation in the EiiF working groups  Yes  Yes 
Employ certified TIPCHECK Experts Yes  Yes 
Eligibility for election to the EiiF Membership Board Yes  No 
Eligibility for election to the EiiF Foundation Board Yes No

* 'Premium Member' option is open to all companies, regardless of the company size.
** ‘Member’ option is based on the number of employees.
Example: If your company employs less than 150 people but more than 20, you need to apply for the 2.200 EUR annual fee.