Our Vision: Improve our climate by using more and better insulation.
Our Mission: Promote sustainable insulation systems for industrial and technical installations with the aim of saving energy and reducing CO₂ emissions.
Founded in 2009, EiiF (European Industrial Insulation Foundation) is a non-profit foundation with the aim of saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions by promoting sustainable insulation systems for industrial and technical installations.
One of EiiF’s main activities is the well-established, worldwide standardized insulation energy auditing programme TIPCHECK (Technical Insulation Performance Check). To date, around 3.000 TIPCHECKs performed by EiiF-trained and certified TIPCHECK Experts have identified 4 million MWh in energy savings and over 1 Mt of CO₂ reduction potential. The payback periods for the initiated TIPCHECK insulation projects were in most cases 2 years or even less and 75% of TIPCHECKs lead to insulation investments.
EiiF creates innovative digital tools, supports the development of energy efficiency standards, and offers technical and sustainability training courses in its EiiF Academy. The EiiF Membership is comprised of more than 80 leading international insulation manufacturers and insulation contractors, SMEs, associations and independent TIPCHECK Experts.