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EiiF celebrates its 14th anniversary

01 Feb 2023

It is the 14th anniversary of EiiF, and today we are celebrating all of the 14 successful years. During this time EiiF has established itself as a resource for industries which need to reduce CO2 emissions and save energy. Our various activities on different fields of activity (especially the TIPCHECK Programme, standardisation, lobbying) raise awareness of the multiple benefits of industrial insulation.

EiiF has developed into a vibrant, strong community with dedicated members - the EiiF Membership Association now comprises more than 60 members, from global players to small and medium-sized companies and consultants. And companies are seeing the added value of belonging to the EiiF network: just in the month of January 2023 alone the EiiF Membership increased by 20%.

Our motto for the 15th year is: Waiting costs, acting saves - get in touch now.

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