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About the TIPCHECK Programme

The TIPCHECK Programme was implemented by the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF) with the aim of providing industry with tools and solutions to save energy and to reduce CO emissions by improving technical insulation systems.

Within the framework of the TIPCHECK Programme, EiiF offers:


1. TIPCHECK energy audits

A standardised thermal energy auditing tool, in line with the new insulation energy efficiency standard EN 17956 as well as EN 16247 and ISO 50002, to evaluate the performance of industrial insulation systems.

TIPCHECK stands for Technical Insulation Performance Check.

Therefore, TIPCHECKs evaluate insulation systems of existing facilities, planned projects or retrofits and demonstrate how more efficient insulation could:

  • save energy

  • save money

  • contribute to a cleaner environment through reduced CO₂ emissions

TIPCHECKs contribute to energy management systems like ISO 50001 and, in addition to the energy efficiency potential, TIPCHECKs can help to identify:

  • process efficiency improvements

  • safety risks to personnel and equipment

TIPCHECKs identify the spots bearing the highest energy saving potential and offers a rapid payback time of most often one year or even less. The scope of a typical TIPCHECK usually includes uninsulated lines, lines with damaged insulation and insulated lines.

TIPCHECKs are carried out by EiiF and/or certified TIPCHECK Experts.


2. TIPCHECK trainings

Every year EiiF organises training courses for insulation engineers, asset owners, energy auditors, energy managers and consultants to train them how to perform standardised high-quality thermal energy audits, so-called TIPCHECKs.

The participants who pass the final exam receive their TIPCHECK certification and become TIPCHECK Experts.


3. Tools for TIPCHECK Experts

TIPCHECK TOOL is a browser-based insulation energy auditing tool, exclusive to EiiF-certified TIPCHECK Experts and included in the annual licence fee. It comprises an estimation, inspection and solution functions.

TIPCHECK Calculator is a software which can be used to calculate heat losses based on the measured surface temperatures. Insulation materials from EiiF member companies can easily be imported into the TIPCHECK calculator.

TIPCHECK Viewer has been developed by EiiF in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS). This tool enables the calibration of thermographic and RGB images in the TIPCHECK Creator to make them congruent. Furthermore, it merges both images and provides a platform for the visualisation and the presentation of energy saving potential in any browser without the need of a third party software.

For more information on EiiF-developed tools for TIPCHECK Experts and on becoming a certified TIPCHECK Expert please send an email to


4. Free tools available on the EiiF website

EiiF has also developed other tools which not only help TIPCHECK Experts but are freely available to anyone to use on the EiiF website.

Energy Unit Converter is a free tool for converting e.g., Mtoe into PJ. The tool is available on the EiiF website.

Energy Efficiency Class Calculator is a new tool which, based on the operating temperature and the geometry (flat surface, pipe/valve/flange), calculates the maximum density of heat flow rate and the indicative space requirement of a desired energy class (A - F - any insulation solution with higher density of heat flow rate than energy class F is considered energy class G). The tool is available on the EiiF website.
