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Unique coalition calls upon EU to ramp up climate action

Coalition for Higher Ambition
18 Mar 2019

“We believe it is high time for European leaders to rise up to the challenge of climate action. We need Europe to transition to a sustainable society and economy as soon as possible.”

The EiiF with a unique gathering of businesses, investor groups, local and regional authorities, trade unions and civil society groups are sending this message today to urge EU leaders to:

  • endorse the objective of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest as part of the future of Europe debate, at the special EU Summit in Sibiu in May 2019;
  • raise the 2030 climate target in line with the net zero emissions by 2050 target and announce its readiness to do so at the latest during the UN Climate Change Summit in New York in September 2019.

The statement also comes in support of last week’s unprecedented mobilization of citizens across EU member states calling for increased action against climate change and prior to the European Council on 21 and 22 March, where EU Heads of State and Government are expected to discuss the EU’s draft long-term climate vision.

Andreas Gürtler, EiiF’s Foundation Director:

We decided to join this initiative as we experience the need for it: Until today we tipchecked 300 plants resulting in annual energy savings of 550.000 MWh. Therefore, industry emits about 250.000 t of CO2 less - the equivalent to more than 55.000 cars or 30.000 households. But this can only be a very positive and motivating start. If we all continue with the same speed, it will take about 1.000 years to identify the full energy saving potential in industry of 620 PJ representing about 49Mt CO2 - equivalent to the CO2 emissions of 18 million middle class cars. And in our case, we are just talking about the potential of industrial insulation.

Against this background, the EiiF welcomes the Commission’s proposal to reach climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. And as indicated by the Commission's analysis, based on existing technologies and solutions like industrial insulation, the just transition towards a net-zero emissions economy is feasible and provides numerous economic, environmental and social co-benefits. These include health for citizens, additional jobs, increased competitiveness and energy security, and more sustainable economic development. We need Europe to transition to a sustainable society and economy as soon as possible and Member States can count on EiiF: Our foundation will continue to engage itself for the deployment of sustainable insulation systems in industrial plants and in the industrial environment with the aim of saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions.

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