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Joint letter pushing for an ambitious and robust revision of the EPBD

17 Jan 2023

Addressing the buildings sector would be key to ensure a secure, prosperous Europe that addresses the cost-of-living and heating crises for European residents and achieves the EU’s climate and energy goals (buildings sector is responsible for 40% of total energy consumption and 36% of emissions in the EU). In this regard, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will play a vital role in addressing this sector.

In October 2022, the European Council agreed on a fragile EPBD general approach with Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Ireland noting that the ambitions of the agreed Council are too low and asking the European Parliament to introduce more ambition into this legislation.

On 09 February, the ITRE Committee of the European Parliament will vote on the compromises of the rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs. While the agreement between rapporteurs is fairly ambitious, many MEPs still question the feasibility and affordability of an ambitious and robust legislation (EPBD).

This joint business and investor letter, organised by CLGEurope, IIGCC and Climate Group, aims to give confidence to the Members of the European Parliament that the EU’s economic actors are ready to implement this ambitious and robust legislation.

EiiF Foundation Director Andreas Guertler signed the letter, saying:

Investing once to save every year is the core delivery of any energy efficiency measure. But especially in the building sector, energy efficiency investments offer far more than "just" money, energy and CO2 savings: They come with better comfort and living conditions for the inhabitants and stimulate jobs and businesses here in Europe.

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